someone stole my coding

I have an alphabetical index of light faerie cards on my pet page and another maller has copied it, I know this because even the mistakes are the same. I noticed this a few days ago and am still mad about it, I got my son to help me with it and it took ages, the person didn't even ask for permission to copy or give credit :(

I hope you reported it.

I haven't said anything on neo yet, I don't really want the person frozen, although i am mad, I am usually quite easygoing but i just think it is very rude of them to do that!

Mail the person first and give them a chance to take it down or something? I hate code thieves, people like me for example take hours to code such a simple page, and then someone takes your hours of hard work and passes it off as their own with no effort involved :K
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller

Perhaps they don't realize that "borrowing" is really stealing. Sometimes a reminder of this is enough incentive to take it down.

Thank you both for your replies, I would have shared, my son is brilliant with coding. I don't intend to report to neo but think i should name the person because i have give permission to a couple of other people to use the coding and confusion could arise. Just look at cornstarch678's index and you will see it is the coding in my index, a lot of the items on my index are unbuyables and not really quest items as we haven't refined it yet, you will see faelinn under the e in error just the same as mine!

How unfortunate :( I had someone steal some coding from a petpage of mine, and the funny thing is that it was a premade that I just made my own color scheme for and made the tables wider haha! I told them where to get the premade and then they can change the colors on their own. *shrug* -------------------- Want to be part of a 4 Mil NB ad? Go Here: Are your pets hungry? Go Here:
-------------------- Want to be part of a 4 Mil NB ad? Go Here: Are your pets hungry? Go Here:

yeah quite a shocking number is other mallers who steal stuff. Happens to me all the time lol
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Thanks for the replys i have nm'd and asked for him to remove the coding

That's a shame. I hope you can get it all worked out. I know how long and difficult it is to code guides/indexes so it's a shame when I see someone else just copy and paste code.

Thanks, i am lucky to have someone i can persude to do the coding for me, lol. I am not good at coding myself but would never take anyone elses without asking because i wouldn't feel right about doing it and also would worry about being reported and frozen. I have asked for the code to be removed as i don't want to report a as they must have put a bit of effort into neo to have a shop that size. I feel better for venting about it and am gratetful to have somewhere to do this!
