"THAT DUDE" deleted my thread!!

Man--I create a thread asking a question and Dmitri deleted it. All i wanted to know is why he doesn't like his name used in thread subjects I even posted it in the right category this time.

Dmitri has always responded to my pms/nms. Even before I joined XMart and before I helped host wars so no one had a clue who I was, I remember pm'ing him about what graphics program he used, and he responded helpfully. I still suck at graphics, but that has nothing to do with him :P So... fail.

Way before I was even in main market (way before I was xmart) I sent him a PM and he gave me cruical advice about mall decisions that drove me into main. So it might depend on the sincerity of the mail (and if he's not too busy *lol* ) ------------------------------- See my new screenie petpage? (: http://www.neopets.com/~TKDChampion www.youtube.com/TKDJamesPakTKD Check out my Martial Arts samplers =)
------------------------------- www.youtube.com/TKDJamesPakTKD Check out my Martial Arts samplers =)

He likes you guys :)

d is cool, he just hates stupidity..... thats all..... i just think you misunderstand him. :) [hr] [url=http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=olean1&misc]Random Shop[/url][br] [url=http://www.jellyneo.net/goals][img]http://counters.jellyneo.net/c/olean1_2.png[/img][/url]

[quote=Olean1]d is cool, he just hates stupidity..... thats all..... i just think you misunderstand him. :) [hr] [url=http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=olean1&misc]Random Shop[/url][br] [url=http://www.jellyneo.net/goals][img]http://counters.jellyneo.net/c/olean1_2.png[/img][/url][/quote] Very True. --- Step outside, take a breath of fresh air, then look down to see if you have a new text message.
[color=Gray]Good Idea: Feeding stray kittens in the park. Bad Idea: Feeding stray kittens in the park... to a bear.[/color]

Wait a minute!!!! You mean D' didn't drop everything and answer your question???? D' must be a real jerk! Of course, he's always answered mine ~ I guess he just likes me better, lol
