Ohhh overpriced items how I love thee~~
Submitted by desphair on Fri, 24/09/2010 - 3:23pm
Have you ever had an item you dreamed of but after actually looking at the price tag you have a heart attack? O-o Neopet prices are actually very considerate XD More-so than the game I was playing where this chair I wanted was 1.4bil! IT'S RIDUNCULOUS I SHAY! There is no way I will ever be able to get it. D: I could spend 80 dollars and buy it but that is still ridiculous! T~T
desphair wrote:Have you
desphair wrote:desphair
btw i like underpriced i
raquza wrote:btw i like
desphair wrote:raquza
selling a Pink 9th Birth
Become a merchant You'l