1NP baby paintbrushes & exceptionally funny n00b mails!1

Post exceptionally funny messages (not the typical kan i b ur nf???) from your ~1NP NF only auctions ~ here! (and your clever or mean replies if any :P ) regular/normal noob mail goes here: http://www.neomallers.com/node/430 [quote]Message: [Report Message] Hello. I saw your baby paint brush on the auctions, and I'd like for you to know that I am willing to give you one hundred np for it. You wrote: a WHOLE ONE HUNDRED NP??111 locorocopoco replied: [Report Message] um...yes...I can give you more if you want. You wrote: LYKE 1 NP MORE???!11217498374893728947832748923749823 locorocopoco replied: [Report Message] ...okay, are you making fun of me now? because I don't appreciate it... [/quote]

From: [pixpark23] Karissa » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 20/4/2009 07:39pm Folder: Inbox Subject: Im funny because... Message: [Report Message] can you teach me how to make banners?

From: [xxdarianxx] hi » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 20/4/2009 07:49pm Folder: Inbox Subject: Baby PB Message: [Report Message] Do I need to join the guild and donate to be part of the auctions? ~~~ *lol* Good luck getting in Mallers Of Neopia for starters *lol*

From: [vampyresi] alexia » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 20/4/2009 07:51pm Folder: Inbox Subject: HOLA Message: [Report Message] hola

From: [mecantant] LEXiE LOVE$ *BFF* ChARLEY! » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 20/4/2009 07:56pm Folder: Inbox Subject: Hello(: Message: [Report Message] Heyy I was just lurking and noticed your pets. They have very intersting names o: Nice thinking hehe. How did you think of the names? ~~~ um with a thing called a brain ................

i find it hilarious when they send NMs in different languages HAHA

I rekon *lol*

This is just too odd From what I can remember, I only have one pb in my account and thats tucked away in my sdb, a christmas one. So when I get a mail like this i get suspcious :P Subject: =0 Message: Report Message oh my gosh u hav a baby paint brush?!?!?!??! I was half expecting loads more of them mails :P Since last time I got odd mails like that Dmitri had made a great thread on... was it newbie chat? "Kirsty_to_stay is giving away free..." So if I get more paint brush mails i'll hunt you down :O
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller

[quote=kirsty_to_stay]This is just too odd From what I can remember, I only have one pb in my account and thats tucked away in my sdb, a christmas one. So when I get a mail like this i get suspcious :P Subject: =0 Message: Report Message oh my gosh u hav a baby paint brush?!?!?!??! I was half expecting loads more of them mails :P Since last time I got odd mails like that Dmitri had made a great thread on... was it newbie chat? "Kirsty_to_stay is giving away free..." So if I get more paint brush mails i'll hunt you down :O[/quote] I'm really tempted to post this on the newbie chat.....

Seriously, he did it at peak time, my inbox went crazy... and then my boyfriend went and bumped the board :O I'm thinking Dmitri isn't behind it this time though, one mails a bit tame :P
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller

[quote=kirsty_to_stay]This is just too odd From what I can remember, I only have one pb in my account and thats tucked away in my sdb, a christmas one. So when I get a mail like this i get suspcious :P Subject: =0 Message: Report Message oh my gosh u hav a baby paint brush?!?!?!??! I was half expecting loads more of them mails :P Since last time I got odd mails like that Dmitri had made a great thread on... was it newbie chat? "Kirsty_to_stay is giving away free..." So if I get more paint brush mails i'll hunt you down :O[/quote] lolol i remember that. I think it's due for another one soon 0:-)
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