1NP baby paintbrushes & exceptionally funny n00b mails!1

Post exceptionally funny messages (not the typical kan i b ur nf???) from your ~1NP NF only auctions ~ here! (and your clever or mean replies if any :P ) regular/normal noob mail goes here: http://www.neomallers.com/node/430 [quote]Message: [Report Message] Hello. I saw your baby paint brush on the auctions, and I'd like for you to know that I am willing to give you one hundred np for it. You wrote: a WHOLE ONE HUNDRED NP??111 locorocopoco replied: [Report Message] um...yes...I can give you more if you want. You wrote: LYKE 1 NP MORE???!11217498374893728947832748923749823 locorocopoco replied: [Report Message] ...okay, are you making fun of me now? because I don't appreciate it... [/quote]

» Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 1/5/2009 07:01pm Folder: Inbox Subject: paint brush Message: [Report Message] do you have any paint brushes that me, your neofriend, can have?? Note the part that says make this user your Neofriend.. not this user IS your neofriend. Im so crabby today, he is lucky I have too much stocking to do to mess with him lol

I dont have the neomail anymore, it was few years ago. but one guy neomailed to buy from his shop. i kindly told him i prefer not to and he mailed me that i should DIE DIE DIE and then something in spanish i think which i hope i got wrong :K lol its true story lol

[quote]From: [cottoncandy_1001] Ariel » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 1/5/2009 04:46pm Folder: Inbox Subject: Hey Message: [Report Message] I want to be your neofriend because I think that you would be a good neofriend, unlike other people who just ask you if they can be your neofriend. [/quote] [quote]From: [rubber_man_17] jenna » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 1/5/2009 07:15pm Folder: Inbox Subject: neofriend. Message: [Report Message] can I please be your neofriend, honestly, because of your auction, but I have auctions once a month so you could bid too. [/quote] [quote]From: [nibble200097] nibble200097 » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 1/5/2009 08:31pm Folder: Inbox Subject: neofriend Message: [Report Message] I'm sorry to bother you, but I would like a wider range of neofriends, so can I please be yours? I don't really like the feeling if I'm online and the only one on, so I want to see other ppl on the 'neofriends(beta!)' section of neopets. Again, sorry for the inconvenience! [/quote] and i have 10 more 0_o


funny *lol*

[quote=5tar]From: [hamsterpouches] HP » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 21/4/2009 08:55am Folder: Inbox Subject: Offer Message: [Report Message] Hello! I sseee you have tons of items in you shop etc. Do you have anythig you could sell me for 25-35k?[/quote] Lol offer a Old Boot or whatever the "Correct" name for them is.
[color=Gray]Good Idea: Feeding stray kittens in the park. Bad Idea: Feeding stray kittens in the park... to a bear.[/color]

I just kinda want to send Dimitri a Noob mail from a side account to watch him make fun of "me" here *lol* Nah I'm too lazy.
[color=Gray]Good Idea: Feeding stray kittens in the park. Bad Idea: Feeding stray kittens in the park... to a bear.[/color]

wow this is a noob comment but i always wondered why people did the nf only with the crazy items like that. But i've been answered lol, to generate traffic lol. i never knew haha.

[quote=cornstarch876]From: [angel_shortcake] Kimmie » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 20/4/2009 02:36am Folder: Inbox Subject: BB PB! Message: [Report Message] omg howd u get a baby paintbrush?!?!111 do u no that thats my dream paint? and its my birthday todayt! be my frend? Ill give you 99NP for the baby paint brush! then u'll b rich![/quote] Wow! 99np? That must have been sooo hard to resist... *lol*
[center] [color=#74BE04]» Luck «[/color] [color=#C4928C]» http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=twilight51492 «[/color] [/center]

I get a lot of these: [quote]i don't want to sound rude but do you have any neofriends[/quote] This one got a prompt "no" [quote]Want to be my neofriend? Looking forward to your prompt reply. [/quote] You buy one stupid!! [quote] i noticed you have lots of paint brishes. how do you get so many? i've been trying forever to get one. is there a game you play that you can win them on? do you have any tips to finding paint brushes?[/quote]
