1NP baby paintbrushes & exceptionally funny n00b mails!1

Post exceptionally funny messages (not the typical kan i b ur nf???) from your ~1NP NF only auctions ~ here! (and your clever or mean replies if any :P ) regular/normal noob mail goes here: http://www.neomallers.com/node/430 [quote]Message: [Report Message] Hello. I saw your baby paint brush on the auctions, and I'd like for you to know that I am willing to give you one hundred np for it. You wrote: a WHOLE ONE HUNDRED NP??111 locorocopoco replied: [Report Message] um...yes...I can give you more if you want. You wrote: LYKE 1 NP MORE???!11217498374893728947832748923749823 locorocopoco replied: [Report Message] ...okay, are you making fun of me now? because I don't appreciate it... [/quote]

Wow.....nubs are funny XD

[quote]sofy_jime wrote: hello want to be my friend neo friend agree? You wrote: Disagree.[/quote] [quote]Subject: Margaret_Marie_Ann is ill :( Message: heyy can ypu becum my neofrend plz i am very poor and my neopets r starving so i really really need a baby paint brush too sell to make some money. can u help me out? i will help u! You wrote: You help first.[/quote] [quote]sonnimunroe wrote: HeY I was just wondaring if you wanted to be my friend!!!!!:-) You wrote: HeY I was just wondaring if you would leave me alone!!!!!:-)[/quote]
----------------------------- [color=purple]Protect your account[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more

sofy_jime replied: but we do not want to give gifts and I choose you You wrote: but i don't choose you. sofy_jime wrote: I want to be your friend You wrote: I dont want to be your friend. Message: (she wrote a new one) you got any problem with good friend but if you do not want no matter what I do not try too neoamigo goodbye
----------------------------- [color=purple]Protect your account[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more

Haha she is persistent isn't she :P

yeah and ohh this one's better: [quote]You wrote: HeY I was just wondaring if you would leave me alone!!!!!:-) sonnimunroe replied: [Report Message] thats so mean you know i can report you for being mean to solme one who was polite to you!![/quote] that was in response to: sonnimunroe wrote: HeY I was just wondaring if you wanted to be my friend!!!!!:-)
----------------------------- [color=purple]Protect your account[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more

[quote]cookoocatie wrote: if u add me as a neofrend i will bid all of my neopoints on ur morphing potion! (1349) i swere! You wrote: sorry, someone offered 1350 np cookoocatie replied: [Report Message] o thats okay =( but still can i bu r neofrend? [/quote] clever way to scam me into letting her bid on some 1np PBs :P
----------------------------- [color=purple]Protect your account[/color] http://www.neopets.com/~punchback_bob CG information & more

[quote] [eddieboyyy] Eddie » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 1/5/2009 03:36pm Folder: Inbox Subject: hey Message: [Report Message] can i be your neofriend? i think i should because i am very nice and will want to try and be friends. [/quote] My very first n00b mail! xD

i had a cloud PB for 1np NF actions.

I don't have any Baby Paintbrush, does any rares count? You're in for a surprise. Your wish has just been granted! http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=1434sweet Do you need more shop sales? Come participate in a 4 million shop advertisement! Check my neopet's page for more details.
WOW! Selling: Maps, Neggs, Stamps, Coins, Cards, ETC! http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=1434sweet#p

» Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 1/5/2009 07:01pm Folder: Inbox Subject: paint brush Message: [Report Message] do you have any paint brushes that me, your neofriend, can have?? Note the part that says make this user your Neofriend.. not this user IS your neofriend. Im so crabby today, he is lucky I have too much stocking to do to mess with him lol
