-4^2 = ?
Submitted by saudor on Wed, 10/03/2010 - 8:24pm
48% (112 votes)
26% (61 votes)
3% (6 votes)
14% (32 votes)
None of the Above
9% (22 votes)
Total votes: 233
sooo easy
all i gotta say is wow
ooh goddd I voted wrong
Aww I didn't realize ^ m
Is this supposed to be
What's written in the
Definitely read the ^ a
What's written in the
[center] I was taught i
*headdesk* I completely
The way I was taught, it
Hehe, apparently three
hehe i know Do this on
[center] So which is
I think it really is -(4
-16 is correct.
I think it really is -(4
Yep. order of operations
Woo hoo! I feel better a
[center] YAY I got it
Say what?
It really just depends o
No if it had parenthesis
Heh, the more I think ab
naa saw it on ur lookup
You can get the actual
I learned from the start
It does not become posit
What I meant was -2^2 =
What I learned it as was
I learned it as
I learned as
The U.S learns it as PED
It's odd then that I lea
Context is everything. I