Neopets Top Shops

2024-06-08 Site and Server Migration

After almost 20 years, this site is getting a much-needed overhaul and a server migration. Please ensure that your email is up to date as you will need it to log in to the new system. If you're interested in beta-testing the new NeoMallers(and providing input/suggestions) or have questions, please neomail dmitri_stanislaus.
We're also discontinuing the following features to better facilitate the transfer of legacy code into the new system.
  • Private Messages
  • Mall Openings/ NB Ads Listings
  • Sales History Tracker Lite
  • Hut/Mall/NB Ad Data (for now)

90 (+ 14) | Hour: 101 |Today: 141 [?] view market analysis

Allows you to specify your mall name. Show your mall members only.
Rank Username Today Yesterday Average Category
61rainger2012232 Cards and Collectibles
62phat_cat_burrito221 Toys and Plushies
63jellywolffy111 VONM Icy Treat and soup faerie
64reever_de121 Books and School
65evilgoatmonster111 Petpets and Supplies
66miasorella152 Grooming and Backgrounds
67quizzinbabe111 Maps, training, medicine and luck
68mastermom175 Wearables and Grooming
69vampire_princess14ss111 Sweets, Candy, Bakery, Drinks, Food
70i_am_abc_123133 Golden Group Odds and Ends
71alexcunderwood121 Groovy Group Cards and Collectables
72theeranuns111 Food Baked and candy
73starz101010111 Medicine and Battledome
74spektra7111 VONM Food, Drink, Bakery and Sweets
75frogz692003111 Omelettes, Apples, Cakes, and Jelly
76pepperminthit111 Bakery and Sweets
77fighting_w112 Toys and Plushies
78daddyslilprincess250111 Furniture and Garden
79shflash111 Furniture and Garden
Allows you to specify your mall name. Show your mall members only.

Top Shops 4.4.1 (2024.06.08)

This page lists today's top-ranking NeoPets shops, as reported by the NeoMallers counters service.
You are shown in red and your branch members are shown in green. while members from other branches are shown in blue
Cloaked mall members are printed in brackets.

Category Filter

Categories can now be auto filtered either from the search bar or by clicking a keyword from a person's category name.
For instance, clicking on PAINT will filter the topshops by that keyword.

Who's Shopping Stats - Help

The first number 90 depicts the number of users shopping in NeoMallers Shops. (+ 14) refers to the change of the current number of users shopping with respect to the amount at the start of the hour. The second number (101) is the highest #amount of users shopping at one time for the current hour. The 3rd number (141) is the highest amount of users shopping across the entire day.