Neopets Top Shops

99 (+ 23) | Hour: 104 |Today: 123 [?] view market analysis

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Rank Username Today Yesterday Average Category
1azn_angel634610678648 Wearables
2_skyline_drive_512613641 Elite Emporium
3amulthate508451421 Neggs, Training, Maps, Luck, PBs, MPs
4frieds411405439 Training
5swiftech406460445 Plushies, Toys and Usukis
6emileah19942874392829507 Training
7pawsrus388286257 candy
8z2b381398434 Battledome and Magic
9thomaswilliams123366391412 15k unique items in stock
10xxkatie_wxx249358410 General Store
11orients216449303 Quests
12peetree87871208197196 EasyQuest Mega Mall
13murielana190198158 Food and Drinks
14lausifer183549 Sweetstuff
15kyllah52169122108 Food and Drinks
16hopegina151168104 Neggs and Gifts
17amanduh1021125275451 Variety and Packrat
18twiztidkat_gallery123127156 EasyQuest Mega Mall
19odie2956123110161 SNOWFLAKE
20callanthia121149107 Books
2100ssaarraahh001207094 General Store
22tkprtyrhd116139123 Wearables
23neorazzle114126112 Variety
24rabbit_stampede1039224 Candy
25spew1024430 Seasonal
26flyingpurplegiraffe10215767 General
27businesscook0810112443 Keepsakes, FEA and FQ
28mocking_apple917666 Variety
29jeancgirl896860 Petpets
30relaga87118148 Bakery and Sweets
Allows you to specify your mall name. Show your mall members only.

Top Shops 4.4 (2024.05.26)

This page lists today's top-ranking NeoPets shops, as reported by the NeoMallers counters service.
You are shown in red and your branch members are shown in green. while members from other branches are shown in blue
Cloaked mall members are printed in brackets.

Category Filter

Categories can now be auto filtered either from the search bar or by clicking a keyword from a person's category name.
For instance, clicking on PAINT will filter the topshops by that keyword.

Who's Shopping Stats - Help

The first number 99 depicts the number of users shopping in NeoMallers Shops. (+ 23) refers to the change of the current number of users shopping with respect to the amount at the start of the hour. The second number (104) is the highest #amount of users shopping at one time for the current hour. The 3rd number (123) is the highest amount of users shopping across the entire day.