Ways to Make Things Better on Neopets

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morther's picture
Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 15/08/2009 - 10:41am
[quote=seanaf]All TNT cares about is the money money money. Everything they do has to be associated with the nc mall. It's so irritating!! I wish Adam and Donna had not sold neopets to Viacom. :([/quote] Definitely. TNT can't do 1 single thing that isn't money/ad related.
-------------------------------------------------------------- I don't easily get distracted *drools over shiny object*
saudor's picture
Last seen: 1 day 23 hours ago
Joined: 10/06/2007 - 12:30pm
A mail block feature that blocks all incoming mail from an account younger than the specified age.
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darkelvensfi's picture
Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 25/04/2009 - 11:15pm
I'd like to be able to order the items in my shop. Much like the gallery. I know this would be a hassle for those of you that stock a variety of random items, but for those that have popular items that they regularly stock, it would be a great addition. I just want certain items to display at the front of my shop rather than the end. Currently, the latest released items appear on the last pages. I'd like to have an auto pricing function that placed items at wiz lowest. This should work in a two step process; 'click autoprice' then you get a screen with the results and you can select which ones you want to accept at the listed price (prevents problems with the wiz lowest being a mispriced item). I'm very tired of collecting a variety of junk via daily activities and having to wiz many of them to work out that yet another item is only worth 1 - 5np. Waste of time. And it's so much effort that I end up pricing a heap of things at 1np without really caring whether it's worth 5 or 100. I'd like the stock market to have an auto selling feature, so if a stock reaches a certain point, you can declare selected stocks to sell automatically. I'd like to see threads containing posts from people in your friends list / mall / guild have some icon or highlight to let us know. I'd like guild activities with prizes to be allowed. I don't see much difference between guilds holding competitions with prizes, to the guild just passing out items to a person in the guild (which is allowed). There's more... but I'm running out of time. :)
saudor's picture
Last seen: 1 day 23 hours ago
Joined: 10/06/2007 - 12:30pm
Tnt already said no with the auto price since it will result in everyone under cutting each other
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seanaf's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 13/05/2009 - 8:49pm
TNT should come out with Guilds 2.0 There can be multiple threads, more ranks, competitions, extra admin features, etc. that can better promote a guild and make it more fun.
raine_storme's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 27/03/2009 - 2:36pm
[center] I used to think autopricing would be a good idea... and then I played on subeta for a while, and yuck... there is no stability whatsoever in their economy because of the autopricer, among other things. I would love to see the rearranging thing in shops though... for some reason TNT uploaded half of the first Haunted Woods set AFTER all of the rest of the series one maps... so people always see the first half of them and buy those, but the second half of the set rarely sells... :/ And some of the maps are just plain in weird orders. :o ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=raine_storme&misc]~~ Come visit my map shop ~~[/url] [/center]
[center] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=raine_storme&misc]~~ Come visit my map shop ~~[/url] [/center]
xhelenmelon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 19/09/2008 - 9:48pm
[quote=darkelvensfi] I'd like the stock market to have an auto selling feature, so if a stock reaches a certain point, you can declare selected stocks to sell automatically. [/quote] At first, I kinda agreed with you but I think that would rob the stock market of its anticipation, you know? Let's say your 'sell price' is 45, but some of the fun is watching whether that 45 will rise or decline, instead of having a strict sell price ;p Still a good idea. Wish I could come up with more ideas.. the best one I could come up with is regarding the shop upgrade NP. I thought it would be cool if you could 'invest', so to say, some NP at a time until you reach the full amount needed to upgrade to the next size. Like.. maybe I could put 3,000 NP into the shop upgrade until that amounts to the 80,000 I need to upgrade to the next size (400 to 401). But I'm pretty sure TNT had a good reason for not making that a part of Neopets haha (I can already think of some complications with that)
Nilrem's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
Joined: 09/08/2008 - 11:41pm
[quote=raine_storme][center] I used to think autopricing would be a good idea... and then I played on subeta for a while, and yuck... there is no stability whatsoever in their economy because of the autopricer, among other things. [/center][/quote] Yea I agree raine. I always knew subeta existed but never gave it a shot until a couple weeks ago when Neo was down and people on here mentioned it not being too bad. I quickly lost interest b/c the economy is so wack, theres really no challenge to the game. I made a million in 2 days doing like half hour of game play. Then the only thing I did for a couple weeks was shinwanas quests which you can only do once every 24 hrs but the prize is usually valuable. After awhile that get boring due to constantly repricing items undercut by autopricers and most things being hts b/c theres too many items for the player population. As for an improvement. This is kind of small thing, but as a convience I would really like a check box option on the shop till page for removing the full amount in the til at once, so I can just check it and enter my pin to withdrawal np without physically typing the numbers. I never minded in my early yrs of Neo, but ever since malling, now that I frequently remove my np for profit and restocking, its just a hassel to continually type the numbers. Occasionally you mess up, and get the "you dont have enough np", lol then you try again. Its just funny b/c its never like I want to leave some np in the til, so its like you know I want all of it, just make it automatic lol.
thebirthdayprincess's picture
Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: 02/09/2009 - 8:49pm
A "just empty the till" feature would be wonderful, for now I tend to cut and paste the amount then take out the commas before submitting. Cornstarch876, knowing someone is online would certainly be an improvement over the dissatisfaction waiting and withdrawing. Better than a trade time would be the ability to show the person is online. That would even let you get a better price because some people are happy to pay more just to have something now. Of course, there is probably a good Neopian reason why people are not able to show being online that I do not know about.
davymuncher's picture
Last seen: 9 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 10/08/2009 - 10:41pm
I too would like to see a good guild update, and also I think it would be cool if they were to make more stratagy games instead of identical boring pattern games. The autopricer I see as a terrible idea too, though I think a good idea would be to make it possible for the SW to select "Your Category" to search your item in the (For me) DQ3's section, or whatever letter you happen to be, sometimes I go through 25 refreshes before my section comes up when I'm stocking stuff away from my category. Edit- Another good idea would be every time you log in your trading post things are bumped to the top of the newest list when the item is searched, or an Online bubble like Dmitri has here on this site though displayed on the trade (Like "Smileyface1283 is ONLINE/OFFLINE)
[color=Gray]Good Idea: Feeding stray kittens in the park. Bad Idea: Feeding stray kittens in the park... to a bear.[/color]
