Falling Prices

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Gavin63's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 23/07/2009 - 11:09pm
Falling Prices
I am just curious if prices in general are falling across all categories. Being a collectables shop I have noticed a dramatic fall in prices over the last 3 to 5 months. Some have fallen by 2/3rds. This doesn't include any that were mass flooded or anything like that but in general most have fallen to the lowest I have seen in the 10 months I have been on Neo. Makes it very hard to maintain prices and still make profits as any that I have in SDB have actually lost ground
six's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
Joined: 12/06/2009 - 7:30pm
After three years of playing Neo and talking to other players, the consensus is that prices drop from January to June. Make an astounding comeback for July and August and slowly lose ground from September to December. It doesn't matter which category either. This year, from what I've heard, prices have not inflated as much as they have in previous summers. Neopets is just losing ground to Multiplayer RPGs and other online games. The number of players online at Neopets has not exceeded 45K (from what I've seen) whereas last summer it would hit about 60K at some point during the day. Oh and collectables was one of the worst categories I tried. Particularly the collectable cards. It was very difficult to make a profit even at the height of summer.
irisheyez's picture
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 04/09/2007 - 1:03am
I know furniture and garden prices have dropped drastically for any items that are not version 2.
1434neopets's picture
Last seen: 12 years 4 months ago
Joined: 15/03/2009 - 2:15am
Neggs' prices have dropped recently. However, I find that once a category of items have dropped, one category rises up. For instance, training items' prices have been slowly been increasing.
WOW! Selling: Maps, Neggs, Stamps, Coins, Cards, ETC! http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=1434sweet#p
desperately_yours's picture
Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
Joined: 23/11/2007 - 9:31am
It's because everyone who has SSW, including me, always has to be at the top which means they will always be at least 1 to 1100 nps lower than the previous lowest price.
525,600 Minutes http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=desperately_yours&misc
Gavin63's picture
Last seen: 1 year 5 months ago
Joined: 23/07/2009 - 11:09pm
Thanks for the replies. I use SSW and generally price to my Letter column with a few exceptions where I want faster sales but the less players items being less sought after is probably the main reason. The problems of consistently lagging of the site is possibly another reason people are not on as much now, I know it annoys me a fair bit.
darkelvensfi's picture
Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 25/04/2009 - 11:15pm
I thought you guys could use some advice from a different area. I buy and sell retired items. Rather than go into details of how much and of what, I'll just say that I've been doing this for about 6 years. Buying a hundred of specific items, waiting for the price to inflate and then reselling for many (many) times the purchase price. I've been keeping a close eye on prices over those years. Ever since TNT *ahem* sold out, the (normal) item releases have changed. I've been wondering quite extensively on how things operate, but I'd guess that TNT saw a problem with item price inflation and their way to combat this was to release a great many more items into the economy. This results in specific items having less demand (as there's more variety). The reduced players (as mentioned above) would exacerbate this effect. Also, before this year, my retired items, as a whole, generally doubled in price each year. Mostly more than doubled, but sometimes less. The last two years have seen a much reduced increase in value. For the first half of this year, my hoard of items actually lost value (still makes me cry). This had never happened before. I tend to see (most) retired items as something close to a true indication of how the economy is; those retired items that don't leave the economy, number in the millions, and just get shared around, are more likely to represent an indication of how much people are willing to spend/demand for items. The last year the prices for these items dropped substantially, but it's likely just some overactive measures of TNT to get a handle on inflation. Once things have settled down to a pace they are happy with, things should even out for you guys. And saying that, I think it's very nearly at that point. Or at least it feels that way for me. I have a range of unbuyable retired items which I sell maybe one or two a month. This month, for some reason I have not been able to work out, I have sold 8. And the prices of my retired items have once again started shooting up and a rate that truly makes me smile; especially considering the hoard I've collected. I hope this helps.
hhh565's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 30/06/2009 - 4:03pm
I think meds, battle and training is steady though:)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go check out my battle, training, magic, and cures shop! http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=hhh565
whispering_acara's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 23/01/2010 - 12:56am
I can only imagine collectable cards/TCGs being a horrible category. I dont stock them, but everytime I get them (from ether a SHH event, a TCG VPC code, or etc), they are always hard to sell. As for the other items, not really sure. The prices seem to be steady. I notice with neggs that the prices increase wnen sneggers are producing, and when no one is producing, the prices drop. On other items, the prices increase during the day, and at night they decrease (with NST in reference to day/night). Some examples are Neocola Tokens and Bottled Faeries. Dubloons have deflated, naturally because of the Neopies handing out 100 dub coins. They should start reinflating slowly, but there is a HUGE mass of them out there. Codestones - Well they inflated like crazy during the 10x game sends event, then they deflated quite a bit (but not fully to the usual prices). NOw, it seems almost every night, they jump about 50-100NP in price. So I really dont know whats up with the economy [font=Courier New] -------------------------------------------------------------- The STUFF - Mainly Codestones @ reasonable prices http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=whispering_acara&misc [/font]