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vergie3's picture
Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 19/07/2010 - 12:20am
okay, so i havent sold ANYTHING in my shop for like 5 days!! well not anything like.. OVER 1000NP!!!!:( i post on the bords DAILY AND AM PART OF A MMALLL BUT I JUST CANT GET THAT MANY VIEW OR ITEMS SOLD! help???!!!! thanks:)
Pirateowns's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 27/05/2008 - 7:55am
Maybe you should try to readjust some of your prices :o My negg sales use to be around 1/2 items sold a day till I readjusted my prices yesterday :o Its starting to get better :)
crisbythesea's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: 24/04/2009 - 6:20am
Hmm yeah - I'd reprice. Being in a mall will help get you some more traffic, but at your size most of your traffic will come from the shop wiz.
cerberus_neo's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 09/06/2009 - 12:05pm
As it's already been suggested, a price revision is in order if you want to get more sales. Try pricing according to the Shop Wizard. Marking things up a bit for profit is fine, but overdoing it will scare away potential customers. I'm also noticing a lot of "junk" items in there, overpriced for the most part. Even if it's just a few hundred nps over the normal price, keep in mind that even the newbies know these items aren't worth that much and will dismiss your entire shop as being overpriced. I'd get rid of all the cheap junk, especially that which isn't from your category. Speaking of which, your shop carries too much off-category items in my opinion. There are plenty of Battle and magic items out there to keep your shop filled properly. A neat looking shop will get book-marked more often than a random bazaar of cheap items. If you can clean up your stock a bit and revise your prices, I'm sure you'll notice an increase in sales very soon ^.^ Oh, and if you want to be able to keep track of items priced under 1000 nps, try the Sales Tracking Program featured on this website. It's easy to use and very efficient =) Good luck with your shop! ..::Cerbie's Sweets & Bakery::..
lalalisa25's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 07/06/2010 - 8:57am
the users before me have made great/valid points! cerberus_neo always comes up lowest (or pretty close to) lowest on SW too :) its a good way to make sales. and p.s. cerberus: My neopet gained a level while I was shopping in your shop..haha yay try checking out other shops in your mall and lowering those prices!
cerberus_neo's picture
Last seen: 1 week 5 days ago
Joined: 09/06/2009 - 12:05pm
[quote=lalalisa25]the users before me have made great/valid points! cerberus_neo always comes up lowest (or pretty close to) lowest on SW too :) its a good way to make sales. and p.s. cerberus: My neopet gained a level while I was shopping in your shop..haha yay try checking out other shops in your mall and lowering those prices![/quote] Wooo my shop's lucky! ^.^ I'm usually a bringer of bad luck, so I guess that's a nice change... wait, nevermind I said that. My shop's good luck, GOOD LUCK! Come buy, yes? =D ..::Cerbie's Sweets & Bakery::..
whispering_acara's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 23/01/2010 - 12:56am
Many great points mentioned in this thread already :D There are several pricing schemes you can try. Its no exact science, and my results wont neccessarily be the same for you A. Price your fast selling items (stones, dubs, faeries) SW price, and price the other stuff some at SW, some marked up. The stones/dubs/faeries will be the main items to attract customers into your shop, then from there you will rely on the same concept fuel station stores do, the 'I'm already here, might as well buy this too'. Just like soda and candy are overpriced in a fuel station. B. Price some of the stones at SW price, and the other stones with a markup, and price the other stuff some at SW, some marked up. Same concept as above, except this time you are applying it to some of the stones as well. Basically, the key, either way, is to have a blend of SW priced items and marked up prices. If all your prices are marked up, your sales will be very slow. Once you get into main market, things will be different. With your shop size, SW customers are your most valuable customers. Also, I didnt see any mall banner in your shop? Creating a vivid graphic banner, adding in links to your other mall members will help. I'd clean up your code, make it pretty, short and sweet. Lastly, as someone said, try to weed out the stuff that is mostly junk. Stuff such as Tombola junk prizes, and similar, take up valuable shelf space. In the end, if one thing doesnt work, try different experiments on prices and items. [font=Courier New] -------------------------------------------------------------- The STUFF - Mainly Codestones @ reasonable prices [/font]