What percentage of your mall items are wiz priced?

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peetree87871's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 11 min ago
Joined: 30/09/2007 - 9:03pm
Aside from the odd curious attempt, I haven't ever really wiz priced any items on a regular basis. Personally I think that it's a great strategy for mini-market mallers but it makes such a minimal impact for main market mallers to the point that it's just not worth the time.
Brandon James
playful's picture
Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: 21/09/2008 - 8:49pm
Oh, Peetree! You make me so jealous! I would love to have a shop large enough that I didn't have to wiz price everything! LOL! *dreams* I don't wiz price the cheaper items because I'd never make a profit, they are just too competitive. But all my mid-range items are superwiz priced (I try to be in the lowest 3-4) and the highest priced items are generally the lowest on superwiz. With the higher-priced items, if I can't price it lowest on superwiz and still make a decent profit, I just don't restock that item until I can. My hope was that people who come in to buy the lowest superwiz priced items will buy other things while they are in my shop. So far, that doesn't really work, though. LOL! Most of my customers only buy 1 item each, so they are probably just wizzing for a certain thing and not browsing the shop. Based on that, I have no idea why the lower priced items sell. I guess because I use superwiz to buy from, I sometimes end up pricing a cheap item within regular wiz range by accident. Almost all of my shop hits come from wiz. Strangely, even though my expensive items are the lowest priced (super wiz ranking), I sell more of the cheaper items. Go figure! LOL! :P ~ Love books? Please visit my bookshop. :) http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=lolooma
~ Love books? Please visit my bookshop. :) http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=lolooma
meep_meepit's picture
Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
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i price between 400np-3k above wiz price depending on the item and what kind of item it is. it works for me i get like 5 hits from sw a day xD *random french guy* *oui*
Pip's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 19/02/2009 - 5:36pm
-kicks Brandon and his giant shop- :* Good strategy playful. I'm getting Premium for my birthday I hope it makes mall profits go up a bit, I think it will.:)
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ugg's picture
Last seen: 5 months 3 weeks ago
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MSPP lend please? I actually try to price all my items by the wizard. I think especially since the largest shop size in my mall is 148. However, I am happy with my profits :D
Pip's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 19/02/2009 - 5:36pm
If you don't mind me asking how do you make any profit if you price at the wiz price? Do you snipe the items on the SSW?
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saudor's picture
Last seen: 6 days 1 hour ago
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I think wiz pricing brings in small profit but for it to be worthwhile, you'll end up needing to sell 800 items or something just to make 300k profit or so
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Dennis_Anderson's picture
Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
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[quote=Sophie703]None. I have a hard enough time keeping up with restocking my shop as it is. If things are going to sell anyway, I may as well mark them up.[/quote] I agree with that statement, however, I'm not sure I'm my items would still sell if I didn't have them wiz priced and I'd hate to experiment for a week or so and get crappy sales all week. Pip, I price mine using the wiz, and no I don't make thousands of nps per item, I usually make at least 500nps per items, but if I sell a lot of items then it can add up. Although I've never had profit days like some of those that have been pasted on these NeoMallers forums..
playful's picture
Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: 21/09/2008 - 8:49pm
[quote]I'm getting Premium for my birthday I hope it makes mall profits go up a bit, I think it will.[/quote] Oh my gosh, Pip, your profits are going to go through the roof! Premium is soooo much better for that! You can find snipes all day long and you wouldn't believe how much difference there is in wiz prices versus super wiz prices! Congratulations on getting Premium, you're going to LOVE it!!! :D [quote=Pip]If you don't mind me asking how do you make any profit if you price at the wiz price? Do you snipe the items on the SSW?[/quote] Not sure which one of us you are asking, but for me, yes, I find the snipes. Or at least things priced lower than the rest. MOST of the time, I will find 1-3 items priced significantly below the rest. If the profit is big enough to make it worth my while, I just buy all of them and price them at the new lowest. Like you might have items priced 15550, 15991, 16000, 16999, 17000, 17250. In this case I would buy the first three items (up to the 16000), put them all in my shop, and price them at 16995. Now I am the lowest price in Neopia, but I'm still making almost 1k on each item. If there is a large profit, like the lowest one(s) are 3k or 4k below the rest, I might leave a 500 - 1000 np margin so I can attract resellers as well as retail shoppers. With super wiz, this scenario happens all the time. In fact, it is not unusual to find one item priced 5k to 20k below the rest. That's why I like selling the higher-priced items... you find more snipes. :) For me, if I can't find an item at least 1k below all the others, I don't restock it. I just wait and wiz it again later. I can usually find the item at the price I want to pay within a few hours. Some items I have to wait a day to restock, and some maybe I only find once or twice a week. This is not true of the cheaper items, of course. That's the problem with my category (books) - the cheap ones are all priced within 100 nps of each other on super wiz, so there is no way to SSW price them and still make a profit. But for items say, 5k and over, you can usually find a decent profit margin. The more expensive the item, the bigger the profit margin. If it were up to me, I'd only stock expensive stuff, but since I'm in a mall I feel responsible to stock every price range. Hope this helps! :) ~ Love books? Please visit my bookshop. :) http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=lolooma
~ Love books? Please visit my bookshop. :) http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=lolooma
_jaspeh_'s picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 21/09/2007 - 8:27pm
Oy, that sounds like way too much effort for me, to wiz price stuff :o Sometimes it happens, like you descibed, about finding the first few items cheaper than the rest of them. But I consider that to just be extra profit for me, and I still over price them :P Sometimes I see people post thier sales, and you can have someone sell 1mil of items in a day, and it cost them 800k, so they get 200k profit, but they have to restock like 300 items now. But then someone else can sell 500k, cost 300k, profits 200k. So because of their overpricing, they sell less items, so restck less, but make the same profit. Just seems like wiz pricing your whole shop isnt worth the effort to me :P Unless of course you're still a mini shop , with too much overpricing , you wont get any sales. I have a couple of items that I sell for only 10% overpriced, which are closer to the wiz than most, but I dont find it helps my sales in any way to have them lower. People who find an item on the wiz, buy that I item and leave. They dont shop around. At least for my shop (training/luck)
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