My Shop

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Jathina's picture
Last seen: 12 years 2 days ago
Joined: 15/01/2008 - 4:45pm
The best way to use the wizard is to price stuff based on the hut your shop will list in. Since your name starts with an "A" you need to find the wizard hut that has "A", "N" and "0" in it (refresh page til you find it) and price as one of the cheapest in that hut. Quite often your hut pricing will be more expensive then the cheapest prices in the wizard so you can snipe cheaper items at a profit for you. You just need to find those items that are at a price that you can afford to buy cheap and sell high and still be cheapest in your hut. Also, if you are a restocker in neopian shops, knowing what your items will sell for can save you purchasing items for more then you can sell them at market. The main problem with wizard pricing is that you will get wizard blocked fairly often and will have to wait until the beginning of the next hour to look up more stuff but it is really best way to move your shop items when have to price at market.
