neomallers portal

I am trying to submit my sales hirtory into the neomallers portal and it wont let me do it? Any idea why, have tried to ctrl v and even did it by mouse but it does show up.

Hi Please try to provide screenshots and as much details as possible including the following [b]1. Operating System & Language [/b]Ex: Windows XP PRO English 32-bit Edition, Service Pack 2 [b]2. Browser & Version[/b] Ex: Firefox 3.0 English [b]3. Your NeoMallers Portal Version. [/b]This is shown at the bottom of the main screen Also, state exactly what you were doing when the error occurred. Again a screenshot is helpful. You can upload screenshots via the "[b]File Attachments"[/b] Feature.
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Are you posting in the right rectangle? Try clicking the rectangle below the rectangle you're trying to submit in. Hope that helps.