frozen accounts from neopets

Why the hell do they keep freezing accounts!!! I want to organize a list of people that have had accounts frozen and why .. I think the only accounts that should be frozen are scammers and so on. I had an account frozen 5 years ago that I'd spent years working on and they just froze it without explanation. Please tell your stories and I plan to send them to neopets as a complaint... Thanks big_bad_cad/Agular By the way they don't have any rules that are concrete.. I have a family of 4 and we are all on the same IP address. according to the rules (that have no real defined lines) my wife's and my daughters and my account could all be frozen at anytime WTF

My account has been frozen before. After politely asking why (their answers takes weeks to come through) I finally got it back half a year later lol. Well, at least I got it back. But this was like in 2004 or something. I have been warned a couple of weeks ago for logging in on 2 accounts at the same time, one which was a guildaccount and the other dude logged in aswell (what are the odds..). Sooo.. our guildaccount got frozen (it has 4 million worth of MY avataritems on it *sigh*), I have been warned (I have premium) and the other dude got suspended for a couple of days. He got his account back and I have this Grrr feeling towards TNT now. No way I can get my items back *cries* Well.. at least that's my story.

You were sharing a guild account? No wonder you got a warning, i'm surprised you didn't get frozen. TNT wont care what complaint you send in no matter how many peoples stories you send in by the way.
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller

[quote=kirsty_to_stay]You were sharing a guild account? No wonder you got a warning, i'm surprised you didn't get frozen. TNT wont care what complaint you send in no matter how many peoples stories you send in by the way.[/quote] I thought the same thing. I can understand people getting angry over an unfair freezing but it should be pretty obvious that you cannot share an account. _____________________________________________________ ~ Mimi's Ménagerie Avatars ~
~ Mimi ~

ya um....clearly you didnt read the rules O.O sharing an account is AGAINST the rules im afraid of getting frozen because my little sister goes on the same computer and my older sister sometimes goes on this computer Come check it out:

Yeah sharing an account = instant freeze. You can also try using separate browsers if you're worried about people logging in. or just log out when you're done and dont share the password
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I got handed over the guildaccount after the guildleader quit. I was the only one having access, but he logged in after a couple of weeks without telling me. I should've changed pass, but didn't. I know accountsharing is against the rules. No one has access to my account, not even my husband, or my brother. (thought I should explain myself a bit here) I'm more mad at myself then at TNT, I know I'm lucky to still have mine. "By the way they don't have any rules that are concrete.. I have a family of 4 and we are all on the same IP address. according to the rules (that have no real defined lines) my wife's and my daughters and my account could all be frozen at anytime WTF" - Can they actually do that?? Cause we play with 3 people neopets in this house.

Well you're not allowed to give accounts either. And if you have family members who play on the same IP, it's best not to interact between the accounts. Aka send stuff to each other.
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we send stuff all the time to eachother... like for my wifes birthday a couple days ago I sent her a bunch of wearables for her pets and a few expensive items for her to sell in her shop. I will never do that again! I do not want our accounts frozen!!!! should we just use one account? and the others as side accounts? Please tell me what we should do Thanks big_bad_cad/Agular

That is nice but to TNT, they wont know it unfortunately. They'll think "Ohh this person is earning NP from multiple accounts. Freeze" And once you get frozen, it often takes forever to get it back. You'll probably be fine if you have a low profile but if you post on boards or get warned or do whatever to get a mod's attention, then they might check into your account and see it. It's kinda hard for tnt to tell the difference between family accounts and a cheater who's using multiple accounts to earn NP I could be wrong though. either way, maybe including a neomail that says "Happy birthday" or something of the like might be good
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