Opinion: Join MM Mall, even w/ 4 Mil Ads?

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Nilrem's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
Joined: 09/08/2008 - 11:41pm
Of course TX, always love here I wasnt trying to say with this thread that one side was right and the other was wrong. Its interesting actually. You figure it should be cut and dry that most people would have a similar enough experience to say the same thing, however theres people clearly on each side. There no universal answer it seems Of course I believe you that your experience with 4mils has yielded you good profit, but I also believe Dmitri / X-mart and Kara / Les Boutique that posted here saying they were bad for their malls. The thing that confuses me is why is boardwalk the exception to profit while others dont. You could look at it the other way that X-Mart and Les Boutiques are the exception, however this would mean anyway that any other main market mall that wants to post a 4mil ad should profit. I dont think that angle is as plausible so im inclined to think that those who do profit are the exception. Im not sure what the X-Factor is. My speculation is that many hardworking main market mallers that fairly price things on the wiz get enough traffic to cover an ad if it isnt placed. So when it is placed, the extra sales seem like a huge bonus, but if you could trace each NB Ad hit to its respective sale or lack of and disregard any other traffic for the purpose of covering the cost of an NB costing 350k+, I think things wouldnt be so clear. Obviously I think this could answer some cases, but not all. Other people just have good categories etc. Overall the general opinion wasnt favorable enough to assure me I would profit.
supre_drake's picture
Last seen: 7 years 4 months ago
Joined: 10/07/2009 - 4:14pm
Well, it's not that our ad didn't bring profits into some categories. With wearables, it brought in probably an additional 400k+ on my peak day than an average sales day when not on a noticeboard.But, not every spot was given that luxury. Lots of spots didn't have such a profit margin. This is the way I view it (all figures are made up off the top of my head): An average Monday without noticeboard sales: 400k. An average Monday being peak with noticeboard sales: 600k. Yes, more sales. Yes more hits. Yes, the cost was covered. However, did my button cost more than 200k? If so, I lost profit. Our less popular categories weren't going to benefit. Though, we are starting one back up for holidays and summer. I believe more people are on then. I could be wrong. :) - Kara Disclaimer: Not every maller/mall sees it my way of breaking down sales and profits. (Nor should they have to). Many are okay with sales so long as they break even or more on peak day.
- Kara
