Problems Processing your score...

Neopets, you've got to be kidding me. Since 9am this morning, about 4 hours ago, I've been playing Typing Error, trying to get the avatar which requires more than 3600 points. I sent two scores, one with 31xx and the other one with 35xx, and when I finally get 3732, it says: "Problems processing your score. For best results, close the pop-up window and re-open it to restart your..." I'm sorry but, wtf. That wasn't even a pop-up -.- I'm SO mad, I wanted my avvie, and possibly a trophy, but NO. /end
Image icon please.jpg187.79 KB

I hate it when that happens. Apparently, if you go to another page, hit back, and then play in that window, it does that. Since i screwed up a good score that way. You have to reload the page --------------------------------------------- Celebrate [color=red]Xmas[/color] at [color=green]Xmart[/color]. Buy a tent for your pet today!
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wow i'm sorry to hear.. thats one of the fears I have when playing games (whether it's for a highscore or avi). Thankfully it has never happened to me ... yet ? Hope I don't jinx it now xD ------------------------------- See my new screenie petpage? (: Check out my Martial Arts samplers =)
------------------------------- Check out my Martial Arts samplers =)

That sucks! :( But if you were able to get score once, you can do it again! May even be easier this time around, good luck! ^^
Spare a CC vote please? :*

Ahh! I can't remember if I hit back or something. I got so mad, took a screenshot, and close the window. Well, I'll try later, hopefully I can get that score again D: ------