Premium Boards

So they are suppose to be spiffy but i posted hi, why so much spam? on this one board which got me suspended for 3 days.. I even asked charlotte about my suspension and she claimed that my why question caused me to be suspended to think that im pretending to be tnt. Just because my mind is smart thinking, doesnt mean that im trying to be tnt.. get real.. gah. but Im back my main.. So much happened when I was suspended.. my guild is dead and all this stuff..(not my current listing one)

Rut ro that stinks Gl remaking your guild! -------------------------------- 1. Don't ever F with Dmitri 2. Janikowski could never make a 74 yard FG! 3 Don't ever F Dmitri
1. Don't ever F with Dmirti 2. Janikowski couild never make a 74 yard FG! 3 Don't ever F Dmitri

Yeah. Im never going to post on premium for a while. i tend to lurk anyways.. but thanks. Frozen for no reason, was raided or whatever.

Where was it Slim, main hall? We weren't born to follow ♥
Spare a CC vote please? :*

Where was it Slim, main hall? Yeppers. I posted a lot there a few months ago. Eh. Frozen for no reason, was raided or whatever.

Main Hall is a bunch of whiny need to go over to charter Chad's Bakery
525,600 Minutes

[quote=desperately_yours]Main Hall is a bunch of whiny need to go over to charter Chad's Bakery[/quote] yeah i Frozen for no reason, was raided or whatever.

[center] Hahha your so right! The people in Main Hall think they own the board! + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Shop Size Goal : 650 Current Size: 237 Help me? : [/center]
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~ May ~ I'll tell you 2 things 1. Premium boards are MUCH more watched than normal boards, things that would go un-noticed anywhere else are immediatly punished there 2. Main Hall boards are composed by a close knit SNOB group. I was a part of it while I had premium, they are not BAD, they are just.. snobby lol They report. A lot. Very often. And they have their own lil rules they think everyone has to follow - like those chat boards on public boards, which people respect, so I don't understand why ppl feel the need to complain that the MH ppl feel the need for their rules *shrugs* Still your suspension was completelly uncalled for. But I lost a 6 months acct with NO WARNING for quoting someone that said "anal" on a post instead of annual... so .. it's TNT.
~ May ~

[quote=mayarend]~ May ~ I'll tell you 2 things 1. Premium boards are MUCH more watched than normal boards, things that would go un-noticed anywhere else are immediatly punished there 2. Main Hall boards are composed by a close knit SNOB group. I was a part of it while I had premium, they are not BAD, they are just.. snobby lol They report. A lot. Very often. And they have their own lil rules they think everyone has to follow - like those chat boards on public boards, which people respect, so I don't understand why ppl feel the need to complain that the MH ppl feel the need for their rules *shrugs* Still your suspension was completelly uncalled for. But I lost a 6 months acct with NO WARNING for quoting someone that said "anal" on a post instead of annual... so .. it's TNT.[/quote] [center] That's an honest mistake ;) Too bad TNT are airheads. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Shop Size Goal : 650 Current Size: 237 Help me? : [/center]
______________________________________ [color=#303030]Get protection from Cookie Grabbers: /~Punchback_bob [/color]

Main Hall is a bunch of whiny need to go over to charter Lmao.
