Training Help?

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killercars5000's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 28/02/2009 - 11:59am
Training Help?
I recently traded my awfully named draik day draik (draikity33333) for a grey grundo named K0, and I figured with a name like that I simply have to make him a BD pet :P I was wondering, what are the quickest or cheapest ways to train him? I'm thinking of zapping him once he reaches level 50 (I heard this is when the lab ray will stop making him go back down to level 1) is this wise? I'm a complete noob in the BD :P Thanks :)
Pip's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 19/02/2009 - 5:36pm
I am by no means a BD expert, but it will take a long time (maybe never?) to zap to level 50 because the lab takes away defense and levels more often then it lets you gain them. The cheapest way to train would be codestones/dubloons, but the fastest way would be stat increasers like bubbling fungus,neggs, ect.
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killercars5000's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 28/02/2009 - 11:59am
[quote=Pip]I am by no means a BD expert, but it will take a long time (maybe never?) to zap to level 50 because the lab takes away defense and levels more often then it lets you gain them. The cheapest way to train would be codestones/dubloons, but the fastest way would be stat increasers like bubbling fungus,neggs, ect.[/quote] I meant train him to level 50 through mystery island, then start zapping him. Thanks for the advice, I'm pretty poor so bubbling fungus and such aren't an option, I guess I'll just need to stick to the slow process of training. Thanks for the help :)
saudor's picture
Last seen: 1 day 7 hours ago
Joined: 10/06/2007 - 12:30pm
i would train zap and kitchen quest. the back to 1 thing gets very rare above lvl6 so it should be fine. once you reach lvl350 and max out str def quit training and just snegg. it might even be cheaper to stop at 299 and just fnegg and sknegg for str def
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darkelvensfi's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
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Zapping is good only so far as you keep your level adjusted. If you do kitchen quests and terror trove scratch cards between lab visits, the level ups you get should counter the level downs. You should also visit coltzan as he occasionally levels you up. How you train depends on how you want to battledome. The lab grants health most of all, followed by strength. But it takes levels and defense away readily. This may suit you well enough. Keep your level at a point where you can train your strength manually, and let the lab take care of your hitpoints. This method allows you to ignore your defense; it's only used if you defend (or use items that defend against icons). This way, you save a lot of NP, time, and effort by focusing your training on three areas; level, health, strength, and you'll really only be paying for the strength (depending on how quickly you wanted to progress). If you do this, when you fight you'll end up going in hard and fast and not stopping until your opponent is dead. The very high health means you take take a fair few hits (percentage healing items give you additional benefit here as well), and the high strength allows you to dish out massive damage. Get in a freezing item, train the regeneration pet ability, and buy some strong items and you're good to go. Take a look at my pet for on example of one that's been labbed for about 7 years with minimal NP spent on training. There's only a few battledome opponents that I cannot beat.
killercars5000's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 28/02/2009 - 11:59am
Thanks very much for the tips :) I've decided I'm not going to zap, apart from the fact I want a good defence, I also want him to stay as a grey grundo. Once I get some neopoints together I'm also going to need to assemble a BD set. Anyone got any tips on whats good, and what to avoid? Thanks :)
kirsty_to_stay's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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Good luck with the training :) I used to lab belixer, i stopped once i turned him into a draik though obviously :P. Training is much slower going now, especially with having 4 pets so not benefitting from kquests. It does help you keep everything on a good level training base though. As for weapons, how much you looking to spend? :P ___________ [color=gray]Kirsty, aka evil super mod[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, restocker Silverdragon siggy stealer Best wearables shop owner ever![/i][/size]
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darkelvensfi's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 25/04/2009 - 11:15pm
My main weapons are Honey Potion, Scuzzys Comb, and Ylanas Blaster. But it really depends on how much NP you're willing to spend.
melaka's picture
Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 26/10/2007 - 2:10pm
[quote=Dmitri]i would train zap and kitchen quest. the back to 1 thing gets very rare above lvl6 so it should be fine. once you reach lvl350 and max out str def quit training and just snegg. it might even be cheaper to stop at 299 and just fnegg and sknegg for str def[/quote] Is snegging really cheaper than training? My pet is level 380-something, 700 str/def and 800 health. I was planning to train health as high as I could on 2 red codies and then turn to sneggs. (I KQ sometimes but have 2 pets now so it's usually not worth it.) And killercars, as for weapons, I know you said you want to keep your pet a grundo but you might want to consider other species with cheap species healers/freezers (kacheek, chia, lenny, gelert, I forget what else). Since I can't afford even an all-species 50% healer, I sometimes wish I didn't make my BD pet a draik before I knew any better. It also sucks that I can't (well, won't) zap for hp now.
saudor's picture
Last seen: 1 day 7 hours ago
Joined: 10/06/2007 - 12:30pm
Im pretty sure snegging is cheaper now. For 1.2k a negg point, it's about 160k for 2-3 hitpoints? Red codestones cost an average of 30k and also have to train level too
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demirep77's picture
Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
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what is your budget for weapons like? I can suggest some stuff to you. Also, do you plan to mainly focus on 1 player or 2 player? If you are going to keep your pet as a Grundo you will -need- a good healer, and those are spendy. Above 200 hit points your best options will be LEV (40-45m) for a full healer or BOHD (I think like 8m? I haven't bought one in over a year) as a 50% healer. It -might- be sensible to go with a Kacheek, Gelert, Lenny, or Elephante for the species-specific healer - that way you can focus your neopoints on the rest of your set rather than sinking a tonne of np into just your healer.
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