How do you guys manage to do it?

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nioe_yemar's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 04/06/2009 - 10:44pm
How do you guys manage to do it?
How do all of you manage to charge anywhere from 1-2K over standard prices and still manage to get sales? For instance, I know Dmitri and Kirsty both run wearable/customizable shops, and manage to make profits on it. I run a grooming/wearables shop, and am seeing very little profits :S I marked up my prices 500-1000 on most of my items, and I see a few people buying them, enough to give me about 5K in my till throughout the day, but I just don't see how you all can get prices that high and still have people buy. Am I just missing something? I would like to start seeing better profits in my till, and be able to upgrade at least once a day. How do you guys manage to sell with these high prices? What's the secret?
saudor's picture
Last seen: 2 days 21 hours ago
Joined: 10/06/2007 - 12:30pm
One word: Size 102 Well that's actually 2 words but yeah, shop size. Main market + mall quality, good graphics, etc [quote]The Shopkeeper says 'Welcome!' Items Stocked : 4529 · Free Space : 1886[/quote] and 4500 items in stock means a higher chance of one or more of my items randomly inflating and that brings in even more profits.
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nioe_yemar's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 04/06/2009 - 10:44pm
[quote=Dmitri]One word: Size 102 Well that's actually 2 words but yeah, shop size. Main market + mall quality, good graphics, etc [quote]The Shopkeeper says 'Welcome!' Items Stocked : 4529 · Free Space : 1886[/quote] and 4500 items in stock means a higher chance of one or more of my items randomly inflating and that brings in even more profits.[/quote] Yeah, I know size has a lot to do with it. I have 600K in reserve in my bank, would it be a good idea to upgrade with that money? I've had a lot of people on my last thread say I should keep the money and just RS with it... but then I'm sure that more room means I can stock more.... *is so confused* *** [size=10]Grooming, wearables, backgrounds, clothes, Fire & Air Faerie Quest items! Owner of The Rainbow Fields Mall & Celestial Colours Guild![/size]
[url][/url] - Nioe's Emporium of Medicine and Cures! :* [url][/url] - Join Rainbow Fields Mall!
_chaostx's picture
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
Joined: 20/08/2009 - 11:48pm
You won't sell with those prices. Unless you're in a mall and get a decent amount of hits (which you probably don't) from them, then at your size you rely on the SW. By restock they probably mean in the main shops and stuff, I don't do this, but I nearly bought a book for 2k the other day trying it out, missed out, checked the price, and the book sells for 17k! I was so cut...
nioe_yemar's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 04/06/2009 - 10:44pm
[quote=_chaostx]You won't sell with those prices. Unless you're in a mall and get a decent amount of hits (which you probably don't) from them, then at your size you rely on the SW. By restock they probably mean in the main shops and stuff, I don't do this, but I nearly bought a book for 2k the other day trying it out, missed out, checked the price, and the book sells for 17k! I was so cut...[/quote] True, I would rely on the shop wizard, but when I have shop wiz prices I sell out so fast that I have to restock nearly every day. I don't know... *** [size=10]Grooming, wearables, backgrounds, clothes, Fire & Air Faerie Quest items! Owner of The Rainbow Fields Mall & Celestial Colours Guild![/size]
[url][/url] - Nioe's Emporium of Medicine and Cures! :* [url][/url] - Join Rainbow Fields Mall!
seanaf's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 13/05/2009 - 8:49pm
For a start, you can put a shop banner in your shop. ____________________________________ Looking for a new mall? The Lucky Mega Mall is the answer! Currently looking for: - Paintbrushes/Morphing Sizes 250+ Visit us at:
lilaznkirby's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 week ago
Joined: 19/10/2009 - 10:36pm
When you have a small shop, pretty much rely 100% on the shop wizard for any traffic. You don't need a huge mall with overinflated prices to make a decent profit. For example: I restock from 3-4 different shops a day. When you spend lots of time there, you get to know what is good and what isn't. Once you get to that point, you can start trying to snipe out really profitable items (the rare ones that are often 2500 or 5000 NP, for example) and make tons of money from that. At this point you will probably have to restock almost everyday, but when you have a decent sized shop (100+) or become part of a mall, suddenly you have the ability to overcharge for your items, which makes it easier to keep your shop stock full. Like I said, sniping profitable items means that you first have to know what is actually good! I hope this helped you.~ Edit: Noticed you're in a mall. Disregard what I said. D:
nioe_yemar's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 04/06/2009 - 10:44pm
[quote=seanaf]For a start, you can put a shop banner in your shop. ____________________________________ Looking for a new mall? The Lucky Mega Mall is the answer! Currently looking for: - Paintbrushes/Morphing Sizes 250+ Visit us at:[/quote] What do you mean by shop banner? *** [size=10]Grooming, wearables, backgrounds, clothes, Fire & Air Faerie Quest items! Owner of The Rainbow Fields Mall & Celestial Colours Guild![/size]
[url][/url] - Nioe's Emporium of Medicine and Cures! :* [url][/url] - Join Rainbow Fields Mall!
kirsty_to_stay's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: 22/04/2008 - 8:01am
Thought I felt my ears burning :P He means a personal banner for your shop, one that says on it what you sell, like wearables. I'm not sure it would make any difference to you though due to not being market size though. However aside from that, yes as Dmitri said, shop size and stock levels are everything. Me and him make np a plenty because we are in main market malls and have a lot of shop stock. Well, he does... my shops slacking due to study commitments. Twirlisha says 'Welcome!' Items Stocked : 1215 · Free Space : 6970 My opinion is, if you are in no market place, most of your items should be wiz priced, since the majority of people buying off the wizard will not look around your shop to see what else you have and buy a string of other things which are over priced. Of course a few do, but not enough to make it worth it in my opinion. I say restock at the clothing shop to get your profits that way, and do so until you reach main market. As for what you should do with that 600k, do as advised, use it to make more np. DO NOT put it into shop upgrades, upgrading an extra 600k to your size will NOT help you!!! It will not get you to a market size, and so I see no reason why to bother. Only upgrade if you can reach at least spooky market in one go. Use the 600k and keep it on you while rsing in clothes. Buy shares everyday, perhaps chance your nps on food club too. Keep an eye open for wearables to snipe, they are common to find as much as 40k and more under the next cheapest wiz price because people want them gone fast. Buy them and stock them and price yourself cheapest on the wiz, so you will sell it fast ish and will make a profit from it too. Continue doing all of the above as long as it takes. As an add on, I find being in a mall pointless at your size, so I shouldn't worry if your shop sells out of items due to being wiz priced. If the mall moans, LEAVE, it's not benefitting you in anyway. ___________ [color=gray]Kirsty, aka evil super mod[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, restocker Silverdragon siggy stealer Best wearables shop owner ever![/i][/size]
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller
temps_bons's picture
Last seen: 12 years 12 months ago
Joined: 10/04/2009 - 10:58pm
I agree with everything said here! They get by with it because they have tons of experience, are in a shop that gets at least 100 hits a day (I assume) because they and everyone in their mall is in the main marketplace. So that means that people don't find them through SW...they find them because they want to see the biggest/best shops. All of that being said it has been my experience that the larger my shop gets and the more people that come to my shop to buy SW priced items, (the more traffic in general) = I MUST charge higher prices. I want my items priced low enough to sell but high enough that someone doesn't just buy 200 items a day. I know my shopkeeping philosophy has changed over time too. When I had a size 50 shop I wanted someone to buy me out each day so I only made a little profit so I could get people into my shop through SW. Now with over 1000 spaces I don't want to sell 300 items a day at low profit. If I have to work that hard (and RS'ing 300 items a day is work) I want to make more profit on each item. The other piece of a lot of research into items that you can RS from Neopian shops (any shop)! If you stock wearables for instance there are some items that seem silly to stock because you will never make much profit like those satin collars. I know they are quest items but if someone is on a quest they can't use SW and you need to have quest items at all times so mark that price up. However, occasionally you will be able to snag items at Uni's Clothing that the mark-up will be in the thousands and price THAT one at SW prices not the cheap/no profit ones. That way people with real neopoints come to your shop who have neopoints so they can go a little crazy in your shop buying. Remember that huge shops with every item in a category have thousands of spots to fill so they are looking for items in their category to take up space. Your shop size is so small you ought to skip the gajillion quest items (malling at your size is silly) with very small profit and have a shop full of items that your mark up is 3 - 10K on each item. Use that 600K you have to buy the cheapest most expensive / awesome items that sell for thousands over what you pay for them so you can upgrade your shop to size 270++ at once. THEN join a mall if you have to because you'll have the space in your shop to fill with items that you don't care if it sells or not. Malling at your size is silly because the mall can dictate what you put into your shop. Say you sell books... there are so many quest books that you may only have space to stock quest items. Why limit yourself to books at your size? Sell anything and everything you can get your hands on with a huge mark up (at SW / TP prices). For instance, if you can get your hands on a 500 NP Bag of Peanuts from the food shop you can make 300K profit on that item. Isn't that better than trying to stick to a category and maybe never having time to rs in the food shop because all your time is spent in the book shop or whatever? Sorry I wrote so much but you seem to be confused still about what your goal is at your particular shop size. ~ Mimi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Mimi's Ménagerie ~
~ Mimi ~
nioe_yemar's picture
Last seen: 10 years 10 months ago
Joined: 04/06/2009 - 10:44pm
[quote=kirsty_to_stay]Thought I felt my ears burning :P He means a personal banner for your shop, one that says on it what you sell, like wearables. I'm not sure it would make any difference to you though due to not being market size though. However aside from that, yes as Dmitri said, shop size and stock levels are everything. Me and him make np a plenty because we are in main market malls and have a lot of shop stock. Well, he does... my shops slacking due to study commitments. Twirlisha says 'Welcome!' Items Stocked : 1215 · Free Space : 6970 My opinion is, if you are in no market place, most of your items should be wiz priced, since the majority of people buying off the wizard will not look around your shop to see what else you have and buy a string of other things which are over priced. Of course a few do, but not enough to make it worth it in my opinion. I say restock at the clothing shop to get your profits that way, and do so until you reach main market. As for what you should do with that 600k, do as advised, use it to make more np. DO NOT put it into shop upgrades, upgrading an extra 600k to your size will NOT help you!!! It will not get you to a market size, and so I see no reason why to bother. Only upgrade if you can reach at least spooky market in one go. Use the 600k and keep it on you while rsing in clothes. Buy shares everyday, perhaps chance your nps on food club too. Keep an eye open for wearables to snipe, they are common to find as much as 40k and more under the next cheapest wiz price because people want them gone fast. Buy them and stock them and price yourself cheapest on the wiz, so you will sell it fast ish and will make a profit from it too. Continue doing all of the above as long as it takes. As an add on, I find being in a mall pointless at your size, so I shouldn't worry if your shop sells out of items due to being wiz priced. If the mall moans, LEAVE, it's not benefitting you in anyway. ___________ [color=gray]Kirsty, aka evil super mod[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, restocker Silverdragon siggy stealer Best wearables shop owner ever![/i][/size][/quote] Sorry about your ears burning Kirsty. You were just one of the people I thought of when posting this :P And thanks for the wonderful advice! I shall keep all this in mind. And if the mall moans, it will be them leaving, not me, as I am the manager of my mall :P *** [size=10]Grooming, wearables, backgrounds, clothes, Fire & Air Faerie Quest items! Owner of The Rainbow Fields Mall & Celestial Colours Guild![/size]
[url][/url] - Nioe's Emporium of Medicine and Cures! :* [url][/url] - Join Rainbow Fields Mall!
