My Mall is imploding! Would a stand alone Wearables/BG shop be better than . . . ?

2024-06-08 Site and Server Migration

After almost 20 years, this site is getting a much-needed overhaul and a server migration. Please ensure that your email is up to date as you will need it to log in to the new system. If you're interested in beta-testing the new NeoMallers(and providing input/suggestions) or have questions, please neomail dmitri_stanislaus.
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crusher's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 20/03/2009 - 8:31pm
My Mall is imploding! Would a stand alone Wearables/BG shop be better than . . . ?
I currently get 60-70% of my daily hits from SW or Hut with a few thrown in from petpages/UL the rest come from the Other catagory which i assume counts repeat customers using bookmarks as well as fellow Mall members shops. (we do not use the &mall tag) so . . I like stocking Wearables/BG & it is an easy NP maker. Would i be better off to be a Stand alone Shop until if/when a spot opens somewhere in a MM or change to a catagory that is not as profitable on the chance the Mall itself will bring in enough extra traffic to make up the NP difference? any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
forcefedup's picture
Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2009 - 5:19pm
Personally, I've tried A LOT of categories, and some were told to me to be the most profitable, (Training, Bakery, Foods, Toys, Plushies, etc.) but I've never made a lot of money from them. Finally, I found something I really enjoy, and that's what I have made the most money with. I've stuck with it for 2-3 years now, actually. My advice is that you do best at something you love & enjoy, so pick that. It doesn't matter if other people say that is sucks for cash or whatnot. Also, it can take a lot of tries to find that certain thing you really like so keep trying. ________________________________ Are you feeling lucky? Click Here!
________________________________ Are you feeling lucky? Click Here!
crusher's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 20/03/2009 - 8:31pm
Thank you for the response
1434neopets's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 15/03/2009 - 2:15am
Just curious... What mall were you in?
WOW! Selling: Maps, Neggs, Stamps, Coins, Cards, ETC!
texas_girl_95's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: 27/03/2009 - 9:21am
If you know this is the category you like I say stick with it. I have never changed & many people have tried many times to talk me into something else. They are all profitable & good categories if you like them & they work for you. However if you do not know that this is your preferred category then I would suggest to try others. There is plenty of main mkt malls & someone will have an opening somewhere. Good luck Check out my Faerie Shop:
Check out my Faerie Shop:
kirsty_to_stay's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 22/04/2008 - 8:01am
Do stand alone wearables Crusher :) advertise it as and when you can, wiz some stock, markup others, you can make a fortune alone from wearables randomly inflating for certain holidays and pet days. ___________ [color=gray]Kirsty, aka evil super mod[/color] [size=11][i]Sniper, maller, restocker Silverdragon siggy stealer Best wearables shop owner ever![/i][/size]
___________ Kirsty aka "the sensitive one" Silverdragon siggy stealer Tasty tent seller
temps_bons's picture
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 10/04/2009 - 10:58pm
[color=#33CCFF] I agree with Kirsty! Stick with what you love and is profitable! These hard to get spots do come around! I left food thinking I would wait to get a mall spot... what a pain that was! I lost a lot of neopoints in the switching to an open category and then back to foods again plus I lost several people who had bookmarked my shop as a food shop. You are generating traffic through the SW which also means you will have great success as a stand-alone. Let us know how it goes if you do decide to stand alone because I'd be interested to know the real difference a mall banner makes in a shop (hits as well as the psychological impact it has on shoppers). [/color] ~ Mimi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ temps_bons graphics ~
~ Mimi ~
crusher's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 20/03/2009 - 8:31pm
Thanks for the input everyone. I'll try to find a way to keep anyone interested posted on the outcome of a stand alone shop for now. Of course I'd love a Mall opening ;)
ryan's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 15/12/2007 - 4:43pm
Les Boutiques has a spot open for wearables.
1434neopets's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 15/03/2009 - 2:15am
Thanks for the answer. Again, good luck! Les Boutiques is a great mall to be in. But I think their requirement is at least 800 shop size for a wearable shop. But you never know. Its good to at least try. =)
WOW! Selling: Maps, Neggs, Stamps, Coins, Cards, ETC!
raine_storme's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 27/03/2009 - 2:36pm
[center] According to the page, 607 is the current minimum shop size... ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=]~~ Come visit my map shop ~~[/url] [/center]
[center] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [url=]~~ Come visit my map shop ~~[/url] [/center]
