someone stole my coding

2024-06-08 Site and Server Migration

After almost 20 years, this site is getting a much-needed overhaul and a server migration. Please ensure that your email is up to date as you will need it to log in to the new system. If you're interested in beta-testing the new NeoMallers(and providing input/suggestions) or have questions, please neomail dmitri_stanislaus.
We're also discontinuing the following features to better facilitate the transfer of legacy code into the new system.
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1434neopets's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 15/03/2009 - 2:15am
[quote=perpette][quote=1434neopets][quote=cornstarch876]I see why she is mad. She should be. I regret ever having the idea to see it. But i don't see why she should tell the whole world about this little mistake. That would be like me writing about someone who ripped me off 10nps on an item at a shop[/quote] From my experience coding, it's a serious offense because people worked hard to do it. .[/quote] I am glad you regret it, as it was a bad descion. 1434neopets has the right idea, it is hard work your stealing not coding. I am glad you came forward and apologized. Actions go a long way. ps... 1434neopets im not tml so I hope there isnt a second page :P[/quote] I didn't really made a bad decision. I made a mistake trusting those forums people that crediting it is not needed. Other than that, everything is good. Life moves on. The TML page is the same though. I talked the Bsmith about it and pointed out that some of the information that they have coded was copied from jellyneo. Everyone makes mistakes even those that originally coded it! +) You're in for a surprise. Your wish has just been granted! Do you need more shop sales? Come participate in a 4 million shop advertisement! Check my neopet's page for more details.
WOW! Selling: Maps, Neggs, Stamps, Coins, Cards, ETC!
1434neopets's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 15/03/2009 - 2:15am
[quote=Dmitri]Copying is actually a very serious issue. If you do it in the real world, you'll get a lawsuit filed against you. If you do it at a university, you'll get kicked out and you wont be able to apply to another one. Unless of course if you live in China since they dont give a crap about copying (and they do it all the time) Peebok shoes! it's better than reebok. Yamakawa - Why buy from Yamaha when you can get it cheaper at Yamakawa! etc etc[/quote] Are you Chinese to make that comment? Some Chinese people may get offended from that. I'm not Chinese but it looks like a big assumption. You're in for a surprise. Your wish has just been granted! Do you need more shop sales? Come participate in a 4 million shop advertisement! Check my neopet's page for more details.
WOW! Selling: Maps, Neggs, Stamps, Coins, Cards, ETC!
perpette's picture
Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago
Joined: 27/01/2008 - 1:32pm
[quote=1434neopets][quote=perpette][quote=1434neopets][quote=cornstarch876]I see why she is mad. She should be. I regret ever having the idea to see it. But i don't see why she should tell the whole world about this little mistake. That would be like me writing about someone who ripped me off 10nps on an item at a shop[/quote] From my experience coding, it's a serious offense because people worked hard to do it. .[/quote] I am glad you regret it, as it was a bad descion. 1434neopets has the right idea, it is hard work your stealing not coding. I am glad you came forward and apologized. Actions go a long way. ps... 1434neopets im not tml so I hope there isnt a second page :P[/quote] I didn't really made a bad decision. I made a mistake trusting those forums people that crediting it is not needed. Other than that, everything is good. Life moves on. The TML page is the same though. I talked the Bsmith about it and pointed out that some of the information that they have coded was copied from jellyneo. Everyone makes mistakes even those that originally coded it! +) You're in for a surprise. Your wish has just been granted! Do you need more shop sales? Come participate in a 4 million shop advertisement! Check my neopet's page for more details.[/quote] the first part was to the other person ;)
1434neopets's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 15/03/2009 - 2:15am
[quote=perpette][quote=1434neopets][quote=perpette][quote=1434neopets][quote=cornstarch876]I see why she is mad. She should be. I regret ever having the idea to see it. But i don't see why she should tell the whole world about this little mistake. That would be like me writing about someone who ripped me off 10nps on an item at a shop[/quote] From my experience coding, it's a serious offense because people worked hard to do it. .[/quote] I am glad you regret it, as it was a bad descion. 1434neopets has the right idea, it is hard work your stealing not coding. I am glad you came forward and apologized. Actions go a long way. ps... 1434neopets im not tml so I hope there isnt a second page :P[/quote] I didn't really made a bad decision. I made a mistake trusting those forums people that crediting it is not needed. Other than that, everything is good. Life moves on. The TML page is the same though. I talked the Bsmith about it and pointed out that some of the information that they have coded was copied from jellyneo. Everyone makes mistakes even those that originally coded it! +) You're in for a surprise. Your wish has just been granted! Do you need more shop sales? Come participate in a 4 million shop advertisement! Check my neopet's page for more details.[/quote] the first part was to the other person ;)[/quote] LOL. My bad. You quoted me last so I figured it was for me. You're in for a surprise. Your wish has just been granted! Do you need more shop sales? Come participate in a 4 million shop advertisement! Check my neopet's page for more details.
WOW! Selling: Maps, Neggs, Stamps, Coins, Cards, ETC!
saudor's picture
Last seen: 2 days 14 hours ago
Joined: 10/06/2007 - 12:30pm
There's nothing wrong with stating the truth lol
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Franklinnc1980's picture
Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago
Joined: 27/03/2009 - 9:33am
Coding takes time. Lots of it. I have personally seen 5-8 people be frozen because they refused to take down coding that did not belong to them and when it is a mall that it belongs to, a lot of times before I would hear about it several members have reported the person already and there isn't much of a chance to ask them to remove it. The lesson is be very glad she didn't just hit the report button. That could have cost you the account you play on because stealing code can get you put on ice fast. I'm glad you are sorry and have said as much to the person. I know doing those pages can cost hours of time and your eyesight so saying your sorry will go a long way to heal the situation.
1434neopets's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 15/03/2009 - 2:15am
[quote=Franklinnc1980]Coding takes time. Lots of it. I have personally seen 5-8 people be frozen because they refused to take down coding that did not belong to them and when it is a mall that it belongs to, a lot of times before I would hear about it several members have reported the person already and there isn't much of a chance to ask them to remove it. The lesson is be very glad she didn't just hit the report button. That could have cost you the account you play on because stealing code can get you put on ice fast. I'm glad you are sorry and have said as much to the person. I know doing those pages can cost hours of time and your eyesight so saying your sorry will go a long way to heal the situation.[/quote] I know what you mean. My eyesight is getting worst and worst because of coding. Darn HTML. You're in for a surprise. Your wish has just been granted! Do you need more shop sales? Come participate in a 4 million shop advertisement! Check my neopet's page for more details.
WOW! Selling: Maps, Neggs, Stamps, Coins, Cards, ETC!
Dennis_Anderson's picture
Last seen: 15 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 18/01/2009 - 3:47pm
I was doing about 3 hours of coding last night and woke up today with a splitting migraine... coincidence? I think not..
AuntAdria's picture
Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: 28/03/2009 - 12:50pm
I'm going to throw my two cents in just for fun. :D Dmitri and I share code and art stealer NMs pretty frequently, and occasionally I'll receive NMs from other mallers or Neopians if someone has used code or art I've built without permission. I'm always very thankful for the information, it's super thoughtful when someone else is looking out for your time, talent or $$ bandwidth. There was only one occasion when I NM'd a borrower to remove the code that they became really upset and behaved childishly - however, they were also 12. For the most part, if you find someone has taken liberties with your code or art a simple NM to them explaining that they don't have permission to use your work gets results. I've also found that the Artwork FAQ on my pet's page helps too, I'll direct people to this page in the same NM about borrowing work: Sadly, the link is no longer active with a great screenie of a TNT response on the boards to stealing code, but the questions from the Neopian Times still do the trick. cornstarch876 is a nice guy, he's malled with Roo before and is really into his shop, I have to appreciate that, and think that even a mistake like this made public will be overlooked since his apology was sincere. I think everyone makes the same mistakes about borrowing code when they first get started and am glad to see that he and Coco were able to work things out. In terms of posting the message here, it stings when you are on the other side of the messages, but Dmitri has created an excellent forum for people to have open discussions and I'm super appreciative of that. Plus, I'm with Dmitri 100% on copywrite, it's the law. Neopets might just be a game, but it's just good practice to ADD VALUE and create original content no matter the venue.
forcefedup's picture
Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago
Joined: 06/04/2009 - 5:19pm
People always copy my advertisement from the Ahop Ads Board. Sometimes, they copy my stock when they see I'm doing good. I don't care if they follow me in my stock and such, but it bugs me when they take my advertisements and mess around. I once had someone steal my table of Scratchcard prizes and just edit the colours. I flipped on him, and he was never even frozen after I reported him and warned him and etc. He then reported me for harassment, for which I got a warning and eventual suspension. I still wonder if he had anything to do with me getting frozen ... ________________________________ Are you feeling lucky? Click Here!
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